Sunday, December 27, 2009

Did I mention?

Did I mention I'm in a band?
I am.

Investing in myself as guitarist and musician in general has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. And spending a lot of time with the same musicians has also been rewarding in the extreme. It's so great to feel them evolve with the music, read my body language and know exactly what it is that I'm trying to do with the music, where I'm trying to take it.

We have a show coming up soon, a very rare occurrence, unfortunately. It's a thrill to prepare a full set list and rehearse in the span of an hour and a half and be confident enough to let it lie until showtime.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

This is really just a typical update.

It really is very hard for me to believe that Christmas is happening again. This event hurtles toward me, and I feel like a deer in headlights, watching it come, not understanding. It's not that I don't like Christmas, it's just that I have apparently fallen through some sort of time warp and I find myself completely unprepared for it this year.

Graduation also speeds toward me, taking the same road as Christmas, it would seem. This, too, seems like a dream; over and over again I try to imagine what it's like to never have to go back to school again unless I really want to... and I fail.

My break so far has been about work and Christmas shopping. Hopefully after that I'll do all these other, more nifty things I've been meaning to do.

I spent a couple hours in garage band tonight and came out with something I'm incredibly happy with. I suppose I have to mention that every time I post in this blog. I really need to start up that website of mine.

It's raining hard outside now. It's delightful.

My truck is trying to die on me, and I don't know if it's in my power this time to stop it.