Saturday, November 20, 2010

Tennessee Trip - Late August

This is terrible that I'm just now chronicling this, but this all happened at the end of August before Michelle went off to school. This was what we did for our Summer vacation—Michelle's last Summer vacation, as students think about it, anyway.

My Aunt lives in Knoxville, and it's beautiful country out there, so, being what we are (nature aficionados), we decided that was the trip for us.

We flew into Nashville and got started right away. My aunt met us there.

Our first stop was the Nashville Zoo—that's our thing, we go to a zoo every time we go on vacation. As far as this particular one goes, it's a nice zoo in that it's very shady and a lot of the habitats are big... other than that, I'd just say it's a competent zoo. And they have this bird that probably weighed a good thirty or forty pounds, and it was terrifying. It would jump from branch to branch and the tree would creak under its weight. A horrible, horrible bird, I say.

After the Zoo, we went and investigated some night life. It was pretty awesome; no cover, tons of live music. It was a good time.

We found a place that was pretty much just like Howl at the Moon here in Houston, except there were only like six people there. It was pretty awesome, actually.

We went out the next day and got to visit Hatch Show Print, which was pretty special to me.

We also got to see a Dale Chihuly Exhibit. No pictures to share on that, but it was really nice work.

We made it to Knoxville that night, and in the morning: Zip Lining.

Super Awesome.

The last day was rafting. The water was not as rough as I was hoping, so the trip wasn't very eventful for the most part, but it did have its moments.

We hiked a little bit and swam in some freezing water (invigorating!), but no further pics.
Final thing worth a mention: we had a layover at Atlanta International Airport. MAN, that place was crazy.

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