It's an interesting juxtaposition of ruined objects arranged on a grid. A few of them evoke something like file cabinets that have been torn into; mangled contents spilling out. Everything is torn and/or rusty; everything is aged. It evokes time and memory, especially when objects—recognizable objects—appear in the form of paper moldings, tangled in the mess.
It's a bit like memories having a sort of filing system, one that perhaps began as simple and neat, but over time things decay and fall apart, and perhaps memories erode, become obfuscated or confused with other memories. Drew creates very nice visual textures and some good installation pieces. At one point I wondered if perhaps all of the work was too similar; I wondered if there was perhaps two too many pieces, but then the work that was upstairs sort of changed in tone and all was well again. Some objects were encased in glass, as if they might be perfectly preserved, but closer inspection revealed more ruined paper casts, torn and stained and crumpled.
I think it was one of the better exhibits I've seen at the Blaffer.